

Richard Mackay facilitates consultative and planning workshops which are inclusive, outcomes-focused and fun! Whether the purpose of the workshop is to introduce project, elicit information and opinions or devise a new strategy, Richard Mackay is experienced in customising the progam to suit the participants, venue and objectives.

Queensland Heritage Strategy Worksop and Advice to Queensland Heritage Council—GML Heritage for Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

Image courtesy of Queensland Heritage Council

Values-based Management

The Burra Charter of Australia ICOMOS sets out a simple logical process for decision making for significant cultural places, which is now used throughout Australia and around the world. This methodology is focused on understanding and conserving the ‘values’ of places. Richard Mackay has served as a member of the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter Working Group. A values-based approach to heritage management underpins every Mackay Strategic project.

Kingston and Arthurs Vale Historic Area, Norfolk Island Heritage Management Plan—GML Heritage, with Context Pty Ltd and Jean Rice Architect, for Kingston and Arthurs Vale Historic Area.

Image courtesy of GML Heritage.


Increasingly, practitioners in the heritage field need to engage with local communities and other stakeholders, to gather information, devise appropriate strategies and to create community ‘buy-in’. Richard Mackay has been successfully engaging diverse communities in consultative processes for cultural heritage places for many years. His experience ranges between contested prominent areas like Sydney’s Rocks, to small, private communities of Indigenous Traditional Owners in rural Australia.

The Rocks Heritage Management Plan—GML Heritage, with Context Pty Ltd, for the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority.