Heritage Management

Heritage Management Plans and Strategies

Mackay Strategic can prepare heritage management documents, including Conservation Plans, Heritage Management Plans and Heritage Management Strategies, which meet statutory requirements and exceed client expectations.

Port Arthur Statutory Management Plan— GML Heritage for the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority.

Heritage Values Assessment

Understanding heritage values lies at the heart of good decision making. Richard Mackay has more than 30 years’ experience in evaluation the heritage values of a broad range of historic and Indigenous cultural places, both in Australia and internationally.

Kakadu National Park Historic Sites Survey— GML Heritage for Australian National Parks.

Image courtesy of GML Heritage

Heritage Asset Management

Mackay Strategic understands the importance of delivering practical, value-adding outcomes for even the most challenging cultural heritage places.

Mawsons Huts Historic Site, Antarctica— GML Heritage for the Mawsons Huts Foundation and Australian Antarctic Division.

Image courtesy of Alasdair MacGregor