Lectures and Papers by Richard Mackay

‘Heritage Impact Assessment: Steps and Processes’, Heritage Impact Assessment for World Heritage 2: What you need to know, ICCROM Webinar Lecture Series, 2020.

‘Bagan Hotel Strategy’, Myanmar Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Online Presentation, 2020.

‘Heritage Impact Assessment and Cultural World Heritage Properties’, Heritage Impact Assessment for World Heritage 1:What you need to know, ICCROM Webinar Lecture Series, 2020.

‘Halong Ha Long Bay World Heritage Property: Management Effectiveness’, Ha Long Bay Management Department, Ha Long, Vietnam, 2019.

‘Challenges in Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment’, World Heritage Leadership Programme, Establishing Guidance for Heritage Impact Assessment, International Association for Impact Assessment, Brisbane, Australia,2019.

‘Taming Tourism at Angkor’, Organisation of World Heritage Cites Asia-Pacific Workshop on Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, Suxhou, China, 2018.

‘Challenges in Heritage Impact Assessment’, Expert Meeting for Examining the Japanese Guideline for Heritage Impact Assessment, Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan, 2018.

‘The ICOMOS Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties’, World Heritage Leadership Programme Impact Assessment Workshop, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

‘National Frameworks for Heritage Impact Assessment and the World Heritage Committee’, World Heritage Leadership Programme Impact Assessment Workshop, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

‘World Heritage and Communities’, Murujuga World Heritage Summit, Karratha, Australia, 2018.

‘Creative & Cultural Futures’, Creative and Cultural Futures-Leadership and Change: A symposium exploring the critical issues driving change in the sector, University of Canberra, Australia, 2018.

‘Cities, World Heritage and People’ Organisation of World Heritage Cites World Congress, Gyeongju, South Korea, 2017

‘The State of the Environment 2016: Heritage’, Australian Heritage Council, Canberra, 2017.

‘Not Everything Looks Better in Black and White’, Provocation presented at: (ir)replaceable—a discussion about heritage, conservation and future-making, Association for Critical Heritage Studies, University of Canberra, 2017.

‘World Heritage Trends and Perspectives’, Shudao Routes International Workshop, Sichuan Province, China, 2017.

‘SoE 2016 – the State of Australia’s Heritage’, Australia ICOMOS and the National Trust of Australia (WA), Perth, 2017.

‘The State of the Environment 2016: Heritage Theme’, Australian Heritage Chairs and Officials, Adelaide, 2017.

‘Our Cultural Inheritance and Global Hope’, Barker Institute, Sydney, 2017.

‘Values-based Management and the Burra Charter: 1979 – 1999 – 2013’, Symposium on Values in Heritage Management: Emerging Approaches and Research Directions, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, 2017.

‘Heritage and Community’, 2nd OWHC Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of World Heritage Cities, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 2016.

‘Strategy or S-tragedy? The effectiveness of cultural heritage management in Australia’, National Environmental Law Association, Melbourne, 2016.

‘Heritage Crises and National Identity’, New and Emerging Challenges to Heritage and Well-being Conference, Griffith University, Gold Coast, 2016.

‘Managing Heritage and Tourism at Angkor, Cambodia’, Association of Myanmar Architects and Yangon Heritage Trust, Yangon, 2016.

‘Education as conservation: the importance of meaning’, National Trusts Education Conference, Canberra, 2016.

‘The Australian Heritage Strategy and the EPBC Act’, Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand Inc, Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act Forum, Canberra, 2016.

Perspectives on Indigenous Heritage Management in Australia’, Keynote Address to the Heritage Network Seminar Heritage Division, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Parramatta, 2015.

Heritage: Value: Mutable – or Carved in Stone?’, Keynote Address to the 21st Australasian Conference on Cave and Karst Management, Naracoorte, South Australia, 2015.

Could Do Better: An Indigenous Heritage Report Card’, AIATSIS Occasional Seminar Series, Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, in conjunction with Aboriginal Archaeologists Australia and the ANU Centre for Archaeological Research, Canberra 2014.

Safeguarding the places which are our cultural inheritance: towards a national heritage strategy’, ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership Symposium: ‘The Future of Heritage’, Canberra, 2014.

People and Place: Living with Heritage’, Keynote Address to the First Organisation of World Heritage Cities Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, 2014.

Integrated Site Management at Angkor’ Hall, N, Hang, P, Lloyd, G, Mackay, R , and Sullivan, S, Heritage Management in Cambodia session, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association conference, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2014.

The Angkor Heritage Management Framework’, Side Event Briefing, 37th Session World Heritage Committee, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2013.

The Challenge of Tourism at Angkor’ Sullivan, S and Mackay, R, Colloquium on Visitor Management at Mogao, Getty Conservation Institute and Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, China, 2013.

The Angkor Tourism Management Plan’ Mackay, R, and Sullivan, S, Colloquium on Visitor Management at Mogao, Getty Conservation Institute and Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, China, 2013.

Jenolan: Speleology, Science Heritage’, Keynote Address to Scientific Symposium: The Science of Jenolan – What Do We Know? Linnean Society of NSW and Australian Speleological Federation, Jenolan Caves, NSW, 2013.

Heritage Trades and Professional Training’ Paper presented at the Missing Links Roundtable on Heritage Education, Melbourne University, 2012.

Our Heritage Report Card: the State of the Environment 2011’, Presentation to the Commonwealth Government (SEWPaC, DAFF and Parks Australia), the Australian Heritage Council, the Heritage Council of New South Wales, Australia ICOMOS, Deakin University, 2011–12.

Tourism and Development: Angkor’s Away’ Delanghe, P, Hang, P, Lloyd, G, Mackay, R and Sullivan, S, Heritage Driver for Development Symposium, ICOMOS General Assembly, Paris, 2011.

A Clash of Values: Perspectives on Evolving Approaches to Archaeological Site Conservation’ Paper presented at ‘In a Global Context – Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology and Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology conference, Launceston 2009.

Living with Heritage at Angkor’, Mackay, R and Sullivan, S, presented at ‘Finding the Spirit of Place’, Scientific Symposium of the 15th General Assembly of ICOMOS, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

Living with Heritage: Managing Contested Values at Greater Angkor’, Mackay R and Sullivan S, Australia ICOMOS Extreme Heritage Conference, Cairns, 2007.

Heritage Management in the Antipodes’ Lecture, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2007.

Connecting Archaeology and Community’, Mackay R and Sullivan, S, ‘Conservation in Changing Societies: Heritage and Development’, Keynote Address at Conference held to celebrate 30 years of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, 2006.

Values-based Participatory Planning at Greater Angkor’, Mackay, R and Sullivan, S, ‘Angkor: Landscape, City and Temple’, International Conference, University of Sydney, 2006.

Down Little Lon: An Introduction to the Casselden Place Archaeological Excavations, Melbourne’, Mackay, R, McCarthy, J, Sneddon, A and Wilson, G, paper presented to the 25th Annual ASHA Conference, Melbourne, 2005.

‘Expert Witness Forum’, Panel Member, Urban Design Institute of Australia:  2003 and 2004.

Connecting Community with History: Archaeology at Camp Street, Ballarat’, Murray, T, Mackay, R, and Wilson, G, ‘Eureka 1954–2004: Reappraising an Australian Legend’, Public Symposium to mark the Sesquicentenary of the Eureka Stockade, University of Melbourne, 2004.

Maritime Heritage and the Changing Harbour’ Public Lecture, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 2004.

It’s All in the Telling: Interpreting Archaeological Remains’, Vinton, N and Mackay, R, paper presented to Australia ICOMOS Telling Tales Conference, Sydney, 2004.

Finding Common Ground: The role of Stakeholders in Decision-making’, rapporteur in the ‘Of the Past, For the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation’ stream, Fifth World Archaeology Congress, Washington, 2003.

Parramatta Historical Archaeology Landscape Management Study’, Mackay, R and Kelly, M, ‘World Heritage/Virtual Heritage/Cultural Heritage/Whose Heritage?’ stream, Fifth World Archaeology Congress, Washington, 2003.

History in Ruins?’, National Archaeology Week Public Lecture, Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists, 2003.

The Randwick Destitute Children’s Asylum, Sydney: Issues Arising from the Excavation and Re-burial of Nineteenth Century, Non-Indigenous Human Remains’, Ireland, T and Mackay, R, paper presented to combined AAA/ASHA Conference, Townsville, 2002.

GIS-based Documentation of Urban Archaeology in Australia’, paper presented at the Documentation Scientific Symposium of the 13th General Assembly of ICOMOS, Madrid, Spain, 2002.

Heritage Lotto’, NSW Environmental Law Association Annual Conference, 2002.

The Parramatta Historical Archaeological Landscape Management System’, paper presented to 21st Annual ASHA Conference, Canberra, 2001.

Twentieth Century Heritage’, NSW Heritage Council Heritage Festival Lecture, 1999.

From Cows to Cameras: The Conservation and Adaptation of the Sydney Showground’, Fox Studios Australia Training and National Trust Open Day Presentations, 1999–2000.

Layers of History: Layers of Meaning’, 5th World Congress Heritage Interpretation International, 1998.

The Big Dig and Convict Consumerism’, Seminar at School of Archaeology La Trobe University, 1997.

On the Rocks: Across the Cove from the Governor’s House’, 1995 First Government House Site Foundation Day Lecture, 1995.

Political, Pictorial, Physical and Philosophical Plans: Realising Archaeological Research Potential in Urban Sydney’, Museum of Sydney SITES Seminar, 1995.

Industrial Sites Rehabilitation’, ICOMOS Redundant Sites Conference, Launceston, 1994.

Statutory Protection and Predictive Plans—Archaeological Heritage Management in Sydney’, paper presented at the Archaeological Heritage Management Scientific Symposium of the 10th General Assembly of ICOMOS, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1993.

Censory Perceptions—Editing the Final Chapter of Kakadu History’, paper presented at the Managing a Shared Heritage Conference, Australia ICOMOS, Darwin, 1993.

Documentary Prediction or Physical Examination? CRM Considerations at Dickson’s Mill, Sydney’, paper presented at 12th Annual ASHA Conference, Sydney, 1992.

Research Design: Concept and Product’, discussion presented to Historical Archaeology in The Rocks and Millers Point Seminar, 1991.

Historic Significance’, paper presented to the Professional Historians Association Seminar, Sydney, December 1990.

Identification and Investigation of Historical Archaeological Sites—A Different Perspective’, paper presented to NSW Department of Planning/University of Sydney Centre for Historical Archaeology, Historical Archaeology Guidelines Seminar, 1989.

Built Environment Conservation: Concentrating on the Fabric’, paper presented in the Inventing the Unwritten Past Symposium at the ANZAAS Centenary Congress, Sydney, 1988.

The Conservation Plan: A Co-operative Approach’, James, P. C and Mackay, R, paper presented to Australia ICOMOS Seminar, 1987.

The Provision of Statutory Protection for Artefacts’, paper presented (jointly with Peter James) to seminar on ‘The Problems and Prospects of Preserving the Portable Scientific and Technological Heritage’ organised by the National Trust of Australia (NSW), Powerhouse Museum and Royal Society of NSW, 1986.

The Preservation and Management of Redundant Industrial Archaeological Features’, paper delivered to 5th Annual ASHA Conference, Melbourne, 1985.

The Archaeological Significance of the Old Government House, Parramatta’, paper delivered to National Trust Seminar, Old Government House, Parramatta, 1985.

‘The Burra Charter and Conservation Practice—Principles and Conservation Policy’, paper and seminar presented in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Darwin and Perth on behalf of Australia ICOMOS Inc, 1992–1998.

Lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate Conservation, Heritage, Fine Arts, Archaeology, Architecture and Town Planning Students, La Trobe University, University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Technology, Sydney, 1986–2017.